How to interface 7 segment display with Arduino

Rajas Kapre
5 min readNov 1, 2024


How to interface 7 segment display with Arduino
How to interface 7 segment display with Arduino

7 Segment Display Interfacing with Arduino is easy and fun to learn topic due to its versatile use in the electronics industry because of its ease of use and readability to display numeric data in devices such as calculators, digital clocks, and measuring instruments. In this blog post, we will learn how to interface a 7 segment display with an Arduino board.

Components Required:

To interface a 7-segment display with an Arduino, you will need the following components:

  • Arduino Board (UNO, Nano )
  • Breadboard
  • 7 segment display
  • 220Ω Resistor (7)
  • Jumper Wires

How 7 Segment Display Works:

A 7 segment display consists of seven individual LED segments arranged in the shape of a digit eight, with one additional segment used for a decimal point. Each segment is numbered from a to g and can be turned on or off to create any number between 0 and 9. By controlling each segment of the display, we can display any number or character we want.

Types Of 7 Segment Displays:

  1. Common Cathode : In this type of 7-segment display, all the anodes of the LED segments are connected together and to a positive voltage supply, while each cathode is connected to an individual pin. When a pin is set to LOW, the corresponding LED segment will light up. This type of display is commonly used in electronic devices and is easier to interface with digital circuits.
  2. Common Anode : In this type of 7-segment display, all the anodes of the LED segments are connected together and to a positive voltage supply, while each cathode is connected to an individual pin. When a pin is set to LOW, the corresponding LED segment will light up. This type of display is commonly used in electronic devices and is easier to interface with digital circuits.

Interfacing Common Cathode

The first step in interfacing a Common Cathode 7-segment display with an Arduino is to connect the display to the Arduino board. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Connect the common cathode (-) pin of the 7-segment display to the GND pin of the Arduino.
  • Connect the a, b, c, d, e, f, and g pins of the 7-segment display to digital pins 8, 9, 10, 4, 5, 7, and 6 of the Arduino, respectively.
  • Connect a 220Ω resistor between each of the Arduino digital pins and the respective segment of the display.
Common Cathode Display Arduino Connections
Common Cathode Display Arduino Connections

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Code & Simulation:-

#define A 8 // Pin 8 of Arduino To A Segment of 7-Segment Display
#define B 9 // Pin 9 of Arduino To B Segment of 7-Segment Display
#define C 10 // Pin 10 of Arduino To C Segment of 7-Segment Display
#define D 4 // Pin 4 of Arduino To D Segment of 7-Segment Display
#define E 5 // Pin 5 of Arduino To E Segment of 7-Segment Display
#define F 7 // Pin 7 of Arduino To F Segment of 7-Segment Display
#define G 6 // Pin 6 of Arduino To G Segment of 7-Segment Display

void setup() {
pinMode(A, OUTPUT);
pinMode(B, OUTPUT);
pinMode(C, OUTPUT);
pinMode(D, OUTPUT);
pinMode(E, OUTPUT);
pinMode(F, OUTPUT);
pinMode(G, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
digitalWrite(A, HIGH);
digitalWrite(B, HIGH);
digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
digitalWrite(D, LOW);
digitalWrite(E, LOW);
digitalWrite(F, LOW);
digitalWrite(G, LOW);
  • In the above code, we have defined the pins used for each segment and set them as output in the setup function.
  • In the loop function, we have turned on the A, B, and C segments, and turned off the D, E, F, and G segments to display the number 7.
  • The segments to be turned on are set HIGH for common cathode configuration

Simulation Common Cathode:

Interfacing Common Anode

The first step in interfacing a Common Anode 7-segment display with an Arduino is to connect the display to the Arduino board. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Connect the common anode (+) pin of the 7-segment display to the +5v pin of the Arduino with a resistor in series.
  • Connect the a, b, c, d, e, f, and g pins of the 7-segment display to digital pins 8, 9, 10, 4, 5, 7, and 6 of the Arduino, respectively.
Common Anode Display Arduino Connections
Common Anode Display Arduino Connections

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Code & Simulation:-

#define A 8 // Pin 8 of Arduino To A Segment of 7-Segment Display
#define B 9 // Pin 9 of Arduino To B Segment of 7-Segment Display
#define C 10 // Pin 10 of Arduino To C Segment of 7-Segment Display
#define D 4 // Pin 4 of Arduino To D Segment of 7-Segment Display
#define E 5 // Pin 5 of Arduino To E Segment of 7-Segment Display
#define F 7 // Pin 7 of Arduino To F Segment of 7-Segment Display
#define G 6 // Pin 6 of Arduino To G Segment of 7-Segment Display

void setup() {
pinMode(A, OUTPUT);
pinMode(B, OUTPUT);
pinMode(C, OUTPUT);
pinMode(D, OUTPUT);
pinMode(E, OUTPUT);
pinMode(F, OUTPUT);
pinMode(G, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
digitalWrite(A, LOW);
digitalWrite(B, LOW);
digitalWrite(C, LOW);
digitalWrite(D, HIGH);
digitalWrite(E, HIGH);
digitalWrite(F, HIGH);
digitalWrite(G, HIGH);
  • In the above code, we have defined the pins used for each segment and set them as output in the setup function.
  • In the loop function, we have turned on the A, B, and C segments, and turned off the D, E, F, and G segments to display the number 7.
  • The segments to be turned on are set LOW for common anode configuration.

Simulation Common Anode:


Interfacing a 7 segment display with an Arduino is an easy and fun way to learn about basic electronics and programming. In this blog post, we have learned how to connect a 7-segment display to an Arduino board and display a number on it. With this knowledge, you can start exploring more complex projects and applications that use 7 segment displays.



Rajas Kapre
Rajas Kapre

Written by Rajas Kapre


I Am Electronics and Telecommunication Engineer, I am here to help in your projects and understand engineering the best way 👨‍💻

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